Finders Keepers

March 21, 2011 § 10 Comments

Maple had so much fun the first time MM and I brought her to the dog run that we couldn’t resist taking her out for another romp in the park. Once again, we visited the West Coast Park Dog Run because we really like how shady and breezy it is there.

This time around we packed some food with us so that we could enjoy a leisurely lunch while Maple went off exploring. And what an explorer she was—Maple found a pink tennis ball that had been left behind. 

Thinking that the four-legged owner of the tennis ball wouldn’t be returning to the dog run any time soon, Maple rationalized that she could take care of it (at least for the day).

MM, being the enthusiastic accomplice, made a sling out of some fallen twigs and had a laughing good time teaching Maple how to “Fetch”.

We weren’t the only ones entertained by Maple and the pink tennis ball. Elle, the fashionable little Pug, was about to take part in Maple’s funny antics, but then decided (perhaps for the better) not to crinkle her summery sunflower dress.

Then came along Mr Daschund in his sporty jersey. This athletic jock had his own baseball to play with and, in any case, pink just wasn’t his colour.

Rekku the Bedlington Terrier (?) Wire-Fox Terrier [Note: Thanks goes to ‘Birdee’ of Natural PawPals for the observation!] assumed the role of referee, making sure that everyone was playing nicely and not breaking any canine rules of conduct.

Sitting by the sidelines were a Shih Tzu named B.B. and a Maltepoo named Baby. As a five-month old puppy, this was Baby’s first social outing and he did just fine! After a few reassuring licks from Maple, Baby soon warmed up to his newfound friends.

By the end of the day, Maple was all tuckered out and ready for a bubble bath and scrub down! This gave us a good opportunity to try out the FuzzYard shampoo samples that we received in the SMU PAW Animal Day goodie bag—stay around for the review tomorrow.

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§ 10 Responses to Finders Keepers

  • TOto's mommy says:

    Singapore dogs are so stylish huh! MM is so innovative with that sling, we usually throw the tennis ball until our hands are aching!! hahaha ~

  • birdee says:

    hehe, Rekku is (very most likely) a wire-fox terrier. =]

    • Hi birdee! Ahhh, thanks for that. I just couldn’t figure it out. I’ve never seen a Wire-Fox Terrier before, but Rekku sure does fit the desciption. Great, now I can edit the post 🙂

  • Muffin_mint says:

    Oh, Maple looked sooo happy! I’ve been wanting to bring Muffin to a dog run with his other friends! But each time we packed his bag with the necessities, it rains! Hopefully it will not rain this Sunday as we are going to East Coast Park for the Pets Corner! =)

  • Fantastic photos! The one of Maple running towards her new treasure is awesome! I love it when their ears flop because they’re running so fast.

    It looks like you had a wonderful day at the park!

    • Hey there and thanks! That’s my favourite picture, too. Maple has this psychotic look that says, “You can roll, but you can’t hide. I’m going to pounce on you, Tennis Ball!”

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